Last week, I attended the Reimagining Out-of-School Time (OST) Conference hosted by Dallas Afterschool, and I was inspired by the ideas presented. As someone who is passionate about providing quality OST care in underserved communities, I found the conference to be motivating and encouraging.
One of the biggest takeaways from the conference was the importance of changing the way we talk about the "achievement gap." By using deficit-based terminology, we unfairly blame students for their results when the real problem lies in the systems they are in. Students in low-income communities face an opportunity gap, particularly in OST time, and it's our job to work towards closing that gap.
A-SOL is committed to doing just that. We're proud to be launching our pilot program in less than two months, providing ten students with a valuable opportunity at no cost to their families. However, this is just the beginning. We know that starting their introduction to opportunities at a young age works toward our long-term goal of closing the opportunity gap for decades to come.
I'm grateful to the conference organizers at Dallas Afterschool for bringing together individuals who are dedicated to serving young people. The exchange of ideas and the passion for creating positive change was truly inspiring. I hope this post inspires you to join us in this important work.
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